Are You Living Your Life Or Someone Else's?

Apr 23, 2020

Can you say you are happy with your life?  I mean REALLY happy?  I talk a lot about living your Ideal Life.  But what does that look like for you and how do you get there?  Most of us have been conditioned to assume we can’t be truly happy, live a good life, let alone our Ideal Life, and we should just expect to scrape by with not much to show for our work. 

What are your thoughts about life when you get up in the morning, get ready for the day, go to work, come home, spend time with your family, then go to bed and do it all over again the next day?  Does your life seem like it’s on a bad loop that will never end?

Let me be the one to encourage you and let you know you have a choice in the matter.  You can decide today that you aren’t going to just scrape by and look back years or even decades from now and regret what your life looked like.  But how do you change?    

When I look back on my young adulthood, college, and even post college season of life and see what I spent my time and money on, I see someone who was living just for that particular day with no plan for the future and no purpose.  I was spending money on things to impress my friends, my family, or spending based on what I believed others thought of me.  I was living someone else’s life, not mine.  

Now that I’m older, wiser (hopefully), and think about my future, I want to be the type of person that is intentional with my life and my money.  It doesn’t matter if I have a brand new car, a fancy house, gourmet coffee everyday, the largest cable package, or eat at the nicest restaurants.  All of those things are great, but if they aren’t contributing to me living my Ideal Life, they really aren’t worth it.

You’ll have to look at your life and see for yourself if your decisions are contributing to or hindering you from your Ideal Life.  Some of the best advice I can give you is to live your life with intentionality and purpose.  Choose for yourself what you want to do.  Don’t live someone else’s life.  Live your life.  It’s the only one you have, go make it count!