Values/Goals - Match Your Budget to Your Values

Mar 10, 2022

The biggest concern I have seen with doing a budget for most people is that their budget doesn't match their values. We tend to make a budget based on what we "should" do, instead of what is important to us.

Before we can have a significant and successful budget to live by, we need to know our values and what is important to us. Only then can we create a budget that will work for us and we can enjoy. If we are putting money, time, resources toward our values, we will enjoy the budgeting process because it is backing up the things that are important.

I made this video for my Membership Group after a coaching call and in it I walk us through the Values sheet I created so we can come up with our CORE Value, Secondary Value, and set our short and long term goals. This will help you get to know yourself. Then you can create your budget to match your values and you'll be more successful with budgeting.
