Your Ideal Life

Feb 17, 2022

I want you to live your Ideal Life. But sadly, most of us aren't living our Ideal Lives, and even worse, we don't even know what our Ideal Life looks like. What about you...can you describe your Ideal Life? Your Ideal Life looks different than everyone else's, but are you on your way or just coasting through life with whatever comes your way?  

I believe almost everyone can live their Ideal Life and reach Financial Freedom, but we have been conditioned to think we can't create the life of our dreams. I'm here to change that.   

Do you remember what it was like as a kid or an emerging adult where the world was in front of us and we had all of these dreams we were going to accomplish? What happened? I believe we got stuck in "life" and we forgot our dreams. So, my call to us is to go back and remember those dreams. Or, create new dreams!  

Four questions to ask ourselves:

  1. What does my Ideal Life look like? 
  2. What am I willing to give up to get that life faster? 
  3. What am I NOT willing to give up to get there faster?
  4. What needs to happen to get on a path to that Ideal Life?

If you want to reach Financial Freedom and start living your Ideal Life, check out the resources or programs I have available at www.sentinelcoaching.com